November Business Tips & Tricks
Ok - so how is it November and why can I hear the distant sound of '…the holidays are coming’?!
Another month has passed and I wanted to share with you my musing and tips and tricks I’ve found useful over the past month.
So here goes…
It is important, but don’t fall into the procrastination trap! Setting big blocks of time to focus on particular pieces of work can interrupt your flow but also lead to unproductivity. By using a project management tool (I mentioned Asana last month), you can keep on top of your tasks and the time spent on each, ensuring you feedback and invoice your client accordingly.
Set short and long term goals - what do you want to achieve for your role or business? If you’re employed, why not schedule a catch up with your manager to discuss your ongoing personal development - it’s important. Write your goals down and set aside time each month to review where you’re at, now is a great time to start goal planning for 2019.
Don’t forget your own marketing! Whether that’s writing a blog post, scheduling some social media posts or networking more. When we’re busy, it can, understandably, get left behind. But it’s important to ensure you avoid the days where you’re not so busy! Try scheduling 20 minutes whether thats a day, a week or a month to focus on marketing yourself.
If you have any tips or tricks I’d love to hear them, comment below or tweet me @NatsFSadler